Octava Capital wishes friends and partners a Happy Independence Day of Ukraine!
Ukraine is perhaps the most amazing country combining the achievements and contradictions of all times and countries of the world. Motherland of genius scientists, inventors, statesmen and artists. The cradle of ancient culture. A wise and persistent nation of the unconquered and freedom-loving. Technological and industrial, agricultural and human-centred. Today, the renewed young state of Ukraine celebrates its first “adult” anniversary.
What are 30 years for a person?
This is the age of the first achievements, the edge beyond which an adult with a lot of up-to-date knowledge and technology gains wings to reach the highest peaks in business, career, and society.
What are 30 years for a state?
It is the time of recognition by the most powerful players in the world, gaining weight in the international and domestic environment, progress and trust.
On this day, we feel, as never before, all those words of support heard by a powerful nation, you and us, Ukrainians, from every part of the world.
Ukraine, technological, innovative, creative, social and open, is the only one for everyone who sincerely loves its energy and future, celebrating its 30th anniversary.
We are happy to be a part of the great state.
Happy Independence Day, friends!
Happy birthday, Motherland!
The only one forever!
Official page of Ukraine