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Compass Engineering Solutions Available for Military Purposes As Well!

Thermal imaging IP cameras are now in high demand in combat zones. They ensure timely deterrence of penetration by sabotage and reconnaissance forces and enemy equipment. Surveillance is carried out remotely and invisibly — the operator’s data is transmitted over the network, i.e. without risk to human life. Combining video analytics to classify objects by type (person/vehicle) and high resolution, thermal imaging cameras work proactively — significantly improving safety over long distances, in places with poor visibility, including in the dark or in smoke. Contrasting images are especially useful in densely built-up areas, where it is extremely difficult to track the movement of enemy forces.
Therefore, thermal imaging cameras have proven to be useful for covering the city perimeter, as well as critical infrastructure facilities, such as thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, military facilities, etc.
The Compass Engineering team is ready to provide a project estimate and minimum delivery time.

Contact 24/7:
Vitalii Rozdobutko (,
Anton Padii (,
Denys Sliusarchyk ( or
Andrii Pyrih(
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