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Octava Defense transfers its Security Operations Center (SOC) to Accord Group, which is part of the Octava Group of Companies

Octava Defense transfers its Security Operations Center (SOC) to Accord Group, which is part of the Octava Group of Companies. This was announced by the founder of Octava Defense and the chairman of the supervisory board of Octava Capital, Oleksandr Kardakov, on his Facebook page.
It is important to note that SOC is not a startup and is not starting from scratch. It only changes its legal affiliation, moving from the Octava Defense structure to the Accord Group. In turn, Octava Defense will focus exclusively on defense-tech projects in the future.
“Watching the development of the Ukrainian IT market, I increasingly see how “IITians defeat security forces” at the corporate level. And I fully support such dynamics, because I also consider cyber security to be a set of measures for which IT specialists should be responsible,” from A to Me” tracking all threats and providing reliable protection against them. That is why today I am reorienting Octava Defense exclusively to defense-tech solutions for our country and the world, leaving everything related to Cyber ​​in the area of ​​responsibility of such powerful IT teams as Accord Group “, Oleksandr Kardakov comments on the decision to deepen the diversification of the portfolio of companies of the Oktava group.
Oleksandr Atamanenko, CISO of the “Octava” group of companies, who has more than twenty years of experience in IT, telecommunications and cyber security, and is also one of the founders and heads of the SOC in the structure of Octava Defense, has been appointed as the development director of the “Cyber ​​Monitoring Center” from Accord Group.

Accord Group, known for its large-scale projects for banks, retail, government and industrial enterprises, as well as its specialization in outsourcing IT services, will now develop and support the Security Operations Center. This step strengthens the positions of both companies in the “Octava” Group and expands opportunities for the implementation of complex and innovative projects.

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