On 10 December, the President of Ukraine signed Law No. 1882-IX on
Critical Infrastructure (CI). This law was long-awaited as the need for a
regulatory framework for critical infrastructure systems was evident. Yet, will
it ensure the tasks assigned to it? And what are the pros and cons of this law?
In general, the adoption of such a document is a positive event, since it
ensures the creation of a state CI protection system and introduces common
approaches to the organisation of management of system facilities at the state
and local levels. At the same time, much depends on its specific
implementation. Probably, the first results may be summed up only in six
months, i.e. after the regulatory body is determined.
out the details of the new document together with our expert Oleksandr
Atamanenko, CISO, Chairman of Octava Capital Information Security Committee, on
the pages of the author’s blog at https://bit.ly/3DO7w7V