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DHUB for engineers and programmers opened in Kyiv

On 03 June 2024, DHUB, a platform for developers (engineers and programmers), manufacturers and users, was opened in Kyiv, initiated by representatives of business, the Ministry of Strategic Industry and the National Aviation University.

The hub was created by Oleksandr Kardakov, a Ukrainian businessman and founder of Octava Defence, who was supported by the Ministry of Strategic Industry headed by Oleksandr Kamyshyn, Victory Drones CEO Maria Berlinska, and the National Aviation University itself, represented by Rector Ksenia Semenova and the Supervisory Board.

At the opening of the DHUB, Minister of Strategic Industries of Ukraine Oleksandr Kamyshin spoke about the importance of such platforms: ‘Today, the key role is played by the technology race, in which we have to be faster, smarter, more inventive.’ Thus, in addition to events, hackathons and roadshows, developers and manufacturers will find partners in the DHUB, which should become a ‘puzzle’ in the NAU ecosystem,’ says Oleksandr Kardakov. That is why the hub is equipped with a laboratory and a lecture hall.

‘We are currently discussing the use of the DHUB in the educational process of the National Academy of Sciences, which should become one of the drivers of the revival of university science,’ Kardakov says.

Kseniia Semenova, acting rector of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, on whose campus the platform was launched, also noted the importance of creating such spaces in the development of education.

‘Our goal is to develop young people in modern directions so that everyone can not only realise all their abilities, but also help the state with their inventions and develop its innovative potential,’ Semenova added.

According to Maria Berlinska, who is not only an ambassador but also a lecturer at DHUB, the newly created space will help establish effective cooperation between engineers, designers, inventors and investors, who will be able to achieve significant results in technological developments and inventions in synergy.

For more information about the platform and events at DHUB, please visit the project website at

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