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Digital Ukraine Association became a partner of the project “Trial External Independent Testing. Online Marathon” by YavKursi Educational Company with the support of the International Institute of Innovation

YavKursi Educational Company, with the support of the International Institute of Innovation and Digital Ukraine Association, has opened up the possibility of taking the Trial External Independent Testing online for all students in Ukraine.

The project has already covered 125,137 high school students and their parents, of whom 57% are 9th and 10th graders. This is crucial because Ukrainian parents understand the importance of education for the future of their children. It is in the ninth and tenth grades that you need to think about your future profession, university, and training strategy.

Trial External Independent Testing. Online Marathon is held three times a year: in September, January, and April. It makes it possible to track one’s progress throughout the academic year.

Registration is available on the website of the Trial External Independent Testing. Online at:

Schedule of the autumn session of the Trial External Independent Testing:

  • 11 September — Ukrainian language and literature.
  • 12 September — Mathematics.
  • 18 September — English language.
  • 19 September — history of Ukraine.

This year, a selected group of 500 participants is participating in a technological experiment — they will pass the Trial External Independent Testing.Online in a fully controlled mode using technologies that allow to fully trust the results of the test taken remotely. This became possible due to the involvement of two new technology partners by YavKursi Educational Company: ExamSoft (Dallas, USA) and Verificient (New York, USA). For the first time in Ukraine, artificial intelligence technologies provided by US partners will be involved in testing. This will allow getting the most objective results of the external independent testing taken online.

The project started at the beginning of the pandemic as a social initiative of the International Institute of Innovation and EdTech of YavKursi and found support from NGOs, technology companies, parents, and teachers.

Between 5 and 26 April 2020, 463,828 participants completed 1,077,911 tests and set a world record, as recorded by representatives of the Universal Records Forum. The project is supported by a number of international organisations and technology companies around the world and also received congratulations and gratitude from the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovations.

Source: UNIAN IA –