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Digital Ukraine Association Invites to Intensive Specialised Training Course for Specialists in PD Protection under GDPR 2022

Digital Ukraine invites everyone to participate in a comprehensive specialised training course for specialists in personal data protection under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) provisions by internationally certified practical experts.

The course curriculum includes:

  • What is GDPR, and what is contained in the Draft Law “On the Protection of Personal Data”?
  • Who are the controllers, operators and common controllers?
  • Who and why should create data processing records?
  • What does GDPR say about processing security?
  • In which cases should personal data breaches be reported to the supervisory authority and data subjects?
  • How to determine whether DPIA is necessary?
  • Identification of risk minimisation measures
  • Life cycle of information and its protection at all stages

Learn more about the educational initiative, teachers and learning conditions at