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Tetiana Andrianova, CEO at Octava Capital, held a training seminar “Building Corporate Security Functions in Large Holding Companies”

The first session of the educational course for business leaders and owners “Corporate Business Security” from the Association of Corporate Security Professionals of Ukraine took place on 18 September.

The topic of building corporate security for large enterprises in Ukraine was raised by Tetiana Andrianova, Head of the Corporate Security Committee at Octava Group of Companies, CEO at Octava Capital, chairperson of the Committee on Gender Policy of the UNBA, board member of the Association of Corporate Security Professionals of Ukraine, co-ordinator of the Women in Security Community at ASIS Ukraine.

Event organiser: Association of Corporate Security Professionals NGO.

The course will last 12 days and will consist of 4 modules of 3 days each.

Dates of the course: 16.09.2021 – 18.12.2021.

During the educational course, over 40 professional practitioners in the field of corporate security will share specific cases and experience in solving the most important issues of protecting assets against external and internal threats. All aspects of corporate security will be covered — from corporate intelligence, physical protection of assets, anti-theft and combating corporate fraud, criminal and judicial protection to information, industrial and psychological security and crisis communications.

Venue: Inveria Business Hall, 49a Volodymyrska St.

Detailed description and registration for the event are available on the organiser’s official resource: