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Tetiana Andrianova participated in the Women’s Leadership University Round Table by the Ukrainian National Bar Association

Tetiana Andrianova, CEO at Octava Capital, CEO at Nota Group, chairperson of the Committee on Gender Policy of the UNBA, made a welcoming speech at the event. In her speech, Tetiana also recalled the results of the study “Safeguarding Human Rights through Courts” conducted by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine, which was attended by 230 lawyers.

It should be recalled that, in this study, when asked whether there is discrimination on the grounds of sex in Ukraine, most respondents said that it existed yet was not perceived as discrimination since it was part of the culture. According to the results of the survey as to where discrimination was most prevalent (in terms of preference for male representation), the largest popular options included: access to management positions in public authorities, participation in politics, making socially important decisions, remuneration for work, access to management positions in business and employment in general.

As a female leader and an active representative of the advocacy and security industry, Tetiana Andrianova also presented interesting statistics on the representation of men and women in these areas. In particular, 64% of men and 36% of women are registered with the Kyiv City Bar as of 2020, the number of men and women in the Association of Corporate Security Professionals of Ukraine is 17 women and 91 men as of 2021, in the field of defence in 2020 there are 96% of men and 4% of women.

Read more about the results of the study and the progress of the event on the pages of the UNBA official portal in September.