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The Nota Group’s HRD Yana Dekusar joined the HR Wisdom Summit 2021, the main professional event

On 29 September 2021, at the Academy DTEK site at UNIT.City in Kyiv, the HR Wisdom Summit once again brought together 20 HRDs and CEOs of large Ukrainian and international companies who rarely speak in public.

This year the main topics of star speakers were:

  • How COVID will affect your business in the long-run
  • What to train a team now to develop your company proactively
  • What automation systems are already replacing people
  • Money is no longer a motivator: how to encourage a team, taking into account the personal goals of employees
  • Qualities, skills and competencies of future leaders
  • How to make an employer’s brand visually understandable and enjoyable
  • Why do companies implement well-being programs
  • Lifelong learning: how to help employees reach their potential
  • Effective onboarding: how IT solutions help attract valuable staff to the team

More than a hundred leading HR industry professionals attended the event. Yana Dekusar, HRD of Nota Group, shared her experience of effective HR management, recruiting, retention, and motivation among invited partner guests of the Summit.

The Summit ended with a solemn award ceremony for HRDs and companies by the magazine “TOP100. Ratings of the largest”. Read more about the event at