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TOP-10 events in the financial sector of Ukraine for the past three months

New analytical material prepared by Dmytro Rybalchenko, Chairman of the Financial and Audit Committee, CFO at Octava Capital, has been published in the expert’s author blog on pages.

In the July issue, the author draws the readers’ attention mainly to ten main changes in the legislation of Ukraine, which took place in the second quarter of the current year, and briefly forecasts their potential influence on the business climate in the state.

The specific aspects of the novelties concerning the land market, grand privatisation, tax amnesty, disclosing the ownership structure of legal entities, currency liberalisation, electronic sick leaves, tax on Google and Facebook, withdrawal of Ukraine from the CIS Agreement on Cooperation on Suppression of Offenses in the Field of Intellectual Property, support to large investors and forecast of economic and social development of Ukraine for 2022—2024 are available in the detailed material of out expert on pages.